

徐艺欢 历史学家的技艺 2023-02-12


1. 查尔斯·蒂利:《法国人民:四个世纪、五个地区的历史》,汪珍珠译,北京大学出版社,2019年。(原作名The Contentious French: Four Centuries of Popular Struggle

查尔斯·蒂利(Charles Tilly,1929—2008),享誉学界的美国历史社会学家、政治学家,被誉为“21 世纪社会学之父”“ 美国最多产、最有趣的社会学家”。曾任教于哈佛大学、多伦多大学、哥伦比亚大学等高校。主要研究社会运动、城市化进程和民族国家的形成,曾荣获法国棕榈叶教育骑士勋章、社会科学研究委员会阿尔伯特·赫希曼奖、美国社会学学会终身成就奖、国际政治学会卡尔·多伊奇奖等。一生著有50 余部著作,代表作有《社会运动,1768—2004》等。

《法国人民:四个世纪、五个地区的历史》是 “21世纪社会学之父”查尔斯·蒂利融贯历史学与社会学的野心之作。全书以资本主义的发展和中央集权国家的建构为两大主轴,关注法国走向近现代的17—20世纪,精选勃艮第、安茹、朗格多克、佛兰德和法兰西岛等五个各具特色的地区,描摹了大时代背景下法国民众生活的真实图景。蒂利耗时30年爬梳大量史料,以诸多精彩案例,引领我们从1598年的外省乡村小酒馆,一步步走向1984年人头攒动的巴黎街头,全景展现了由钱袋、刀剑、面包、十字架、工业化和城市化等所引发的冲突和变革。这是一部以民众为主角的法国近现代史,再现了法国波澜壮阔、曲折动荡的现代化征程,区域研究与整体比较兼备,可读性极强。

2. 彼得·伯克:《历史学与社会理论》(第二版),李康译,上海人民出版社,2019年。



3. 何炳棣:《明清社会史论》,徐泓译注,中华书局,2019年。(简体版首次出版)



4. 帕特里特·J. 格里:《中世纪早期的语言与权力》,刘林海译,中西书局,2019年。



5. 保罗·阿扎尔:《欧洲思想的危机》,方颂华译,商务印书馆,2019年。

保罗•阿扎尔(Paul Hazard,1878-1944),法国作家、历史学家、哲学家。1925年起任法兰西公学院比较文学教授,1940年当选法兰西学士院院士,代表作《欧洲思想的危机(1680-1715)》,其他重要作品有《18世纪的欧洲思想,从孟德斯鸠到莱辛》等。



《经济史评论》(Economic History Review)每年年末都会发表"List of publications on the economic and social history of Great Britain and Ireland published in ...",回顾前一年学界出版的经济-社会史原始文献、论文和论著。

列表共分为19个版块,分别为:Original documents; Agriculture and agrarian society; Industry and internal trade; Overseas trade and overseas relations; Transport and communications; Money, banking, and finance; Local history; Demography; Social structure and the family; Labour conditions and organization; Religion and education; Science, techology and medicine; Social conditions and policy; Leisure and popular culture; Economic thought and policy; Women's history; Sources and archives; Historiography and methodology; General social and economic history.

以Original documents和Agriculture and agrarian society为例,每个版块按作者或编者名字从首字母顺序,列出前一年的出版物信息。(仅截取部分内容)


琼·瑟斯克纪念奖 Joan Thirsk Memorial Prize

此奖于2017年设立,每年颁发一次,奖励英国和爱尔兰农村及农业史领域的最佳专著,旨在纪念杰出的英国学者Joan Thirsk。

Joan Thirsk (1922–2013)

Joan Thirsk was the leading agricultural and rural historian of her generation. Her books and articles have a lasting influence. The fertility of Joan’s mind was such that she wrote a succession of pioneering articles, offering ideas and even creating areas of research which others took up and developed. She was an early writer on the family, on open fields, on the industrialization of the countryside. Her Economic Policy and Projects invented a history of the manufacture and consumption of ordinary things (‘starch, needles, pins, cooking pots, kettles, frying pans, lace, soap, vinegar, stockings do not appear on the shopping lists [of men] but they do appear on mine’). She was a historian of knitting, horticulture, tobacco and, of course, woad and our leading authority on early modern food. Her editorial labours, notably on the Agrarian History of England and Wales, were prodigious. And, one should not ignore – Joan would not forgive us if we did – her interest in (and and deep empathy with) her female predecessors in the history profession. Her kindness and generosity of time, advice and references to many historians was considerable.

Joan was much more than an agricultural and rural historian and yet the British Agricultural History Society, of which she was a founder and loyal servant, always remained dear to her. In return the Society acknowledged her excellence by making her its president for two terms. Its members gave her a festschrift when she retired and another when she passed eighty. The Society now wishes to perpetuate her memory with an annual prize for the best book published in the broad fields of British and Irish rural and agrarian history. To that end we solicit contributions to a prize fund to be administered by the Society.

(Joan Thirsk主编了这套国内学界熟知的八卷本



2019: Paul Warde, The Invention of Sustainability: Nature and Destiny, c.1500–1870

The Society congratulates Dr Paul Warde for winning the Joan Thirsk Memorial Prize for the best book on rural or agricultural literature published in 2018, for his book, The Invention of Sustainability: Nature and Destiny, c.1500–1870 (Cambridge University Press).

Presenting the prize, the President of the Society, Dr John Broad, said, ‘There were more entries for this year’s Joan Thirsk prize than ever before, the standard was high, and the judges found a great deal of interest in them all. Nevertheless, they were unanimous in awarding the prize to Paul Warde for his lively and well-written book, The Invention of Sustainability, which uses the printed literature of Britain and many other European countries to show how ideas of a sustainable rural economy – forestry as well as agriculture – developed from the early modern period through to the mid-nineteenth century. Its concern is with agricultural writers and with European-wide linkages, and its success is both relevant to contemporary concerns and apt: these are themes that Joan Thirsk discussed and wrote about throughout her life.’

2018: Briony McDonagh, Elite Women and the Agricultural Landscape, 1700–1830

The Joan Thirsk Memorial Prize was awarded at the Conference to Dr Briony McDonagh for her book, Elite Women and the Agricultural Landscape, 1700–1830.

Presenting the prize, the President of the Society, Dr John Broad said: ‘The excellence of the field for the Thirsk Prize this year was such that all submissions would be worthy winners in a normal year. We found it extremely difficult to rank the books and indeed each of the four was ranked first or equal first by one of the judges. However we were ultimately unanimous in our decision to award the prize to Briony McDonagh for her book Elite Women and the Agricultural Landscape, 1700–1830. She used both national samples and local case studies to illuminate how female landowners could be independent managers of their estates and shapers of the landscape. I am sure that Joan Thirsk would have warmed to both the subject matter and the quality of the argument and writing.’

2017: Peter Jones, Agricultural Enlightenment: Knowledge, Technology and Nature, 1750-1840

At the Spring Conference in Plumpton, Martin Thirsk, Joan’s son, presented the prize to Prof. Peter Jones of the University of Birmingham for his volume, Agricultural Enlightenment: Knowledge, Technology and Nature, 1750-1840, published by Oxford University Press.

Announcing the winner, Dr John Broad, President of the BAHS, said, ‘Since January, the judges have been reading the entries ... All the entries were of a high standard and worthy of serious consideration. Interestingly, three of them had a significant ‘transnational’ comparative element which we enjoyed and felt was well done. Although we had marginally different views of the merits of each book, were were unanimous in awarding the prize to Peter Jones. This is a book Joan Thirsk would have empathised with and enjoyed, since one of her last essays, “The World Wide Farming Web”, covered some of the same issues of the transmission of agricultural ideas in a slightly earlier period. Peter’s book ranges right across Europe from the the British isles to Germany and beyond, and from Scandinavia to Spain, tracing the spread of ideas, the interactions between them, and using illuminating case studies to show the practical implications. It is a pleasure to congratulate him on his achievement.’

原文链接:https://www.bahs.org.uk/ThirskPrize.html#joan (British Agricultural History Society)




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